Thursday, April 19, 2012

Whoa, baby!

  I still cannot believe that one of my dear best friends 
is going to be a mommy come September.

It's her first baby(!), and even though
I was totally caught off-guard
and completely shocked and actually began to
bawl like a baby when she told me her
crazy news just a couple weeks ago, 
I must say that I am so much looking forward to 
the lil' nugget's arrival. 

And...of course I've already found
adorably adorable ideas for the baby shower.
Because I will be throwing her one!
I know...I know.
I probably should calm down
considering I just found out that
she's got a bun in the oven.
But hey---it's never too early to start plannin', right?!?

So, here are my ideas thus far...

-Mason jars with striped cloud straws-
-Advice to Mommy-to-be-
-Welcome sign-
-Cloud cupcakes (pink if it's a girl, blue if it's a boy)-
-Hanging clouds-

-Pom poms-

Ah, so exciting!
Oh, and please feel free to
e-mail me or comment below
if you have any suggestions for anything
baby shower-related!


Also, I want to give a big "Thank you!"
to Lauren from "Window by the Sea" 
for giving my blog an award.
Thanks so much!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday!


  1. Never attended a baby shower myself - probably hadn't been invented when mine arrived - but shouldn't there also be a toy or two thrown in there? Maybe a visit to might give you an idea or two? Then, once I've got it back again, you might like to visit my blog at where I post about how I make, mend and otherwise create the toys in that shop!

    Happy visiting: we'll look forward to seeing you there, but leave the blog for a day or so yet! Am trying to sort out access problems at the moment, and it's taking longer than expected! All the best.

  2. Thanks Isobel! I'll certainly stop by your blog and check out what you've got :)


Thanks for your comments! I will respond to each and every one of them!