Saturday, September 8, 2012

Summer rewind!

Because my blog postings were lacking this summer,
I feel that it is necessary to share a few photos
to prove that I did indeed do something 
somewhat productive with my time.  

Posing with pink fishies on the VA Beach Boardwalk
Kettle Korn on VA Beach Boardwalk
DMB concert
DMB concert with the sister
Roadtrip to VA Beach for July 4th
July 4th Ollie
My sweet cousin, Melody, celebrating July 4th and July 5th (her 21st!)
July 4th brews
Baby shower
 -Along with my summer rewind, 
I want to share some exciting shop news!-

I am having a sale right now on my summer items!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like such a fun summer!

    New follower from the Etsy Blog Team :)


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